Master of Buddhism Course

This is a blog for the course comments from the Master of Buddhism course through the Universal Life Church Seminary.
The course can be found at Buddhism Course.

Friday, October 29, 2010


1.  Does the story of Buddhism early years ring true?
Yes it does, I can clearly identify with his parents wanting to protect him.  His desire to be his own person, to find himself. yes it does ring true.
1,  Is it a legend or hearsay: It is mythological, there is no
historical evidence that he actually existed.  There were many Buddhas before, during and after his time.
1.  Does it matter?  No, what is important is the message.
2.  What does enlightenment mean to me? It means insight
 It means insight.  Buddha was sitting under the Boddhi tree, he said he would not leave until he found answers to aging, suffering and death.  He received an insight of the middle way and he experience liberation, this is enlightenment.
3,  Do I believe that enlightenment is possible?
Of course, using my definition anyone can.  Not all will, not all will go through the painful process of taking responsibility and looking at themselves.  It is not a once and for all getting it, it is a life time process.  It will take many insights to grow and grow and grow.
3.  Is there more than one way?  Of course.  Many religious and secular methods of becoming free from bondage and finding liberation.
3.  If so, what?   Therapy, meditation, prayer, journaling, talking.  There are many ways.

Rev. Alfred


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