Master of Buddhism Course

This is a blog for the course comments from the Master of Buddhism course through the Universal Life Church Seminary.
The course can be found at Buddhism Course.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Buddhism Online Course

Questions on Lesson 5

    1. Is the idea of karma uplifting or unsettling? Why?

If one is following the Precepts, living in the present moment, cultivating compassion, there is nothing unsettling about may be, in fact, comforting.  On the other hand, if one is haphazard in one's practice...hangs on to malice and negativity, is lacking in probably SHOULD - in the natural order - be rattled, but "being rattled" is more than likely not part of one's consciousness.  That, however, does not mean that Karma will not have it's way.  Thank of Christ's parable of the seed.

    2. Do you know anyone who exists in any or each of the symbolic worlds?

I surely know people that exist in each of the symbolic worlds.  I am most aware of the hungry ghosts, particularly in our current culture.  I am surrounded by people searching for fulfillment and spiritual nourishment, totally oblivious to the simple antidote...practicing compassion, doing good...always doing that which is right!

    3. How do the symbolic six worlds differ philosophically from our Western concepts of Heaven and Hell?

In not expounding upon the simple concept of cause and affect...sowing and attracting like energy...good and evil...reward and punishment.  I don't think there is a human being who hasn't been exposed from the cradle, experientially or by being taught, to this basic concept of living in this world...this question is addressed most fully. 

Jose Morelos No. 76
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