Master of Buddhism Course

This is a blog for the course comments from the Master of Buddhism course through the Universal Life Church Seminary.
The course can be found at Buddhism Course.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Master of Buddhism - Lesson Three

Lesson 3 -- The Three Jewels

1. Could the fact that the Dharma wasn't written by the Buddha himself be problematic? If so, in what ways?

This question cannot really be answered. Since it is unknown what the actual words of Buddha were, how are we to know if
they have been altered? Let's imagine that the words are original and unaltered. Hundreds of thousands of people over
the centuries have used those words and lessons to alter and better their lives and the lives of other people. This is
the purpose of Buddhism. Now imagine that the Dharma has been altered. Has the impact on people's lives now become void?
Of course not! It is still the same outcome as before and will continue to be so. Like all major views of life,
alteration - even slightly - is part and parcel of the history. So long as people continue to recognize and scrutinize
the Dharma, it will continue to serve its purpose.

2. Imagine you are preparing to go for refuge. What necessary changes would you need to make in your life

There would have to be frequent monitoring of thought and behaviour. Often our modern consumerist habits do not fit well
with Buddhist refuge ideals. Taking refuge would necessarily mean being concerned with the impact of what one does and
says upon other people. Constant awareness of the ramifications of your actions would have to become paramount. This is
a huge undertaking for anybody. Changing one's habituated patterns is very difficult indeed.

3. When going for refuge, are you relying on forces outside of yourself for peace of mind, or are the Three
Jewels ultimately found inside yourself?

Peace of mind only comes from one place - internally. Peace is a perception that must be cultivated and practiced. It
means accepting life as it comes to you and not judging what is happening. The Three Jewels are something that has been
formulated, a concept, and is therefore within ourselves. All of the effort comes from each individual and only each
individual will see the result of their effort. Even the motivation to take refuge is a personal decision. These ideas
are all a result of how people wish to live - it's an inside job!

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