Master of Buddhism Course

This is a blog for the course comments from the Master of Buddhism course through the Universal Life Church Seminary.
The course can be found at Buddhism Course.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Master of Buddhism Lesson 8

1.      What socially-driven, per-conditioned ideas might a person have to give up in order to have faith in nirvana?
In order to have faith in nirvana, a person may have to let go of the socially-driven concept of putting themselves in a place of importance. That is, people put too much emphasis on competition or achievement. Or, more definitively, a place of status. One huge reason may be the fear people have of what may come if they don't hold on to that status. A person might think if they go and seek out nirvana and don't attain or find it, they might end up back where they started. It is this fear of failure or nothing to show for accomplishment which is so engraved in the social makeup of societies that can really hold a person back from being free.

2.      As we have said, the lotus flower is frequently used as a comparison to enlightenment. Can you think of another image that could be compared, metaphorically?
I think a ripple in the water from a rain drop could be used as comparison. We see the the rain drop on to a puddle representing the beginning journey as it hits the surface, the waves or disturbance on the water is hard and strong. As the ripples spread out, they become calm and eventually still.

3.      If so, write a small poem about the comparison.
A drop so small
A ripple so strong
The journey begins

Spreading like a storm
Until it finds a calm
Until it finds an end
The journey from within

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