Master of Buddhism Course

This is a blog for the course comments from the Master of Buddhism course through the Universal Life Church Seminary.
The course can be found at Buddhism Course.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Master of Buddhism Lesson Fourteen

1.      What are some advantages of taking precepts?

Taking on the precepts is advantageous in that it helps keep the practicing Buddhist on track throughout his or her path to enlightenment. I think it also helps to know what these precepts involve before taking on the path. I believe initially it also gives the potential monk/nun a choice of either yes: this is what I want to do or no: this is not for me.

2.      Under any circumstance, should any of the ten precepts be taken lightly?

I don't think the any of the precepts should be taken lightly except under environmental or life threatening situations For example, do not take food after noon. I can't imagine that food is always going to be available at every time before noon. A Buddhist should not starve because of this. I think this is also a situation of social acceptance. Whereas, some communities might accept the idea of begging while others might night.

3.      "(The homeless brother) must preach to everyone, he must wake up sleeping people." What do you think this means

I believe what this means is that the homeless brother has a task of showing people that there is a better way of life and through that way one can be enlightened or awake. Many people are blind to their social, material, and unmindful way of life. They go through life "asleep" or unaware of the suffering they are causing themselves and the world around them. The homeless brother, being on the Buddhist path is also on a mission to help his/her fellow sentient beings.

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